Design Sprint 2.0

Design Sprint Master

I help teams test product ideas in 4 days. I love facilitating workshops and giving Design Sprint training.

Design Sprint Master
Running a 2-day design sprint training

Design Sprint Moderation:

A warm welcome to you. My name is Danny Holtschke. My mission is to empower leaders and their teams with new and practical ways of working. I help companies validate their product and business ideas as a certified Design Sprint Master. Together we increase your imagination for digital visions and strategies.

I gained my expertise at the global leader in Design Sprints, AJ&Smart, where we worked directly with the inventor and author of ‘Sprint’, Jake Knapp, and systematically improved the method.

In 2017, I was a guest speaker and workshop facilitator at Google’s first Design Sprint conference as part of my role at AJSmart.

What is a Design Sprint?

An evolution of the Google Design Sprint, Design Sprint 2.0 is a 4-day innovation and problem-solving method from Silicon Valley. They replace guesswork with real, tangible progress. What originated within Google and was later perfected at Google Ventures, now turns out to be a very practical approach to finally implement Design Thinking in a way that is understandable and workable even for beginners.

You may ask why?

Well, on the one hand, design thinking is one of the underestimated skills for companies and guarantees a real competitive advantage. And on the other hand, it is increasingly used in companies without great success because expertise and patience are lacking.

For example, the term ‘design thinking’ has been burnt out among my clients, so the teams internally only talk about a ‘problem-solving method’ and thus gain support. But what is meant is design thinking.

And it is precisely the problem of the lack of expertise and patience that is solved by Design Sprints because the process guarantees results within a week and does not require expert knowledge, but only an experienced Design Sprint Master (like me ;).

If you have any questions about Design Sprint Facilitation or would like to train as a Design Sprint Master, please write an email (dh [at] dannyholtschke [dot] com).

I look forward to hearing from you.

Much love,
