In addition to my old “love” StartupGeist (blog | podcast), I wrote on topics that I believe have THE most significant contribution to the well-being, success, and happiness of humans — you and me.
What I call a “superpower” or “secrete weapon”[1] is actually the foundation of all actions and therefore our progress and personal growth. Whether you are interested in personal development, innovation, entrepreneurship and start-ups, or performance enhancement, you cannot avoid the topic of “MEDITATION“.

The enemy of mindfulness, and really of any meditation practice, is getting lost in thought. Thinking is essential for us, but most of us spend every moment of our waking lives thinking without knowing we are thinking. Meditation helps us to observe our thoughts and is a real ‘career secret weapon’.
Learn more about how to meditate >

Emotional Intelligence (EI)
EI is a term developed by two researchers, Peter Salavoy and John Mayer, and popularised by Dan Goleman in his 1996 book of the same name. EI is defined as the ability to recognize, understand and manage our own emotions.

The Three Principles
Mental excellence and mastery depend on a simple understanding of the 3 principles and human nature. The better we understand these, the more our obsessive thinking falls away. We gain clarity, stay calmer and find answers more easily.
Learn more about the Three Principles >

Self-realization and personal development are personal qualities to free us from the shackles of restrictive conditioning, rules, and habits. We inherit these outdated beliefs about pretty much everything – love, work, money, education, sex, and health – and pass them on from generation to generation. But what if we could remove these outdated ideas and start again? It is guaranteed that our lives won’t look the same.
Learn more about self-realization >

In today’s world, yesterday’s methods simply don’t work anymore. In ‘Getting Things Done’, David Allen describes the art of stress-free productivity and performance. His practical methods are based on the premise: Our productivity is directly proportional to our ability to relax. Only when our minds are clear and our thoughts are organized can we achieve effective productivity and unleash our creative potential.
Learn more about Getting Things Done >
[1] Even though I prefer to not use “military” language, the term secret weapon might resonate with some of you more than superpower. Thus, I use it once as an alternative to allow for better understanding.