From 2015 to 2018, I summarised my startup experiences and knowledge from my work on the Startup Genome and Startup Ecosystem Reports on the StartupGeist blog. I also documented the entrepreneurship journey of entrepreneurs through 100+ interviews on my StartupGeist podcast. Finally, I would like to share some valuable entrepreneurship and startup tips and links with you.
I’m glad you’re stopping by StartupGeist!
Can I tell you a secret? No! I’ll do it anyway …
-I only really started to LIVE as an entrepreneur.
And you can do that too!
Do you want to start something? But you don’t know how!
I would like to recommend 2 approaches – active or passive.
I started passively and became more confident and courageous because I built up knowledge. The knowledge gave me a ‘hypocritical’ security.
Looking back, I would start actively with small projects right away. If only I had had the courage I have today…
(1) Active: Learning by doing
Be brave and implement your ideas immediately. Read the following articles:
- Wie du Unternehmer wirst! (Teil 1)
- Wie du Unternehmer wirst! (Teil 2)
- 25 Wege passives Einkommen und Geld im Internet zu verdienen (Teil 3)
(2) Passive: Read and dream
- 3-teilige Artikelserie: Mein unternehmerisches Erwachen
- Mein erstes Startup: Ein Erfahrungsbericht
- Warum Unternehmer sein die beste Art ist, persönlich zu wachsen
- Warum du noch kein Startup starten solltest
- Deine 3 möglichen Rollen in einem Startup
- Wie finde ich den richtigen Mitgründer?
- Wie finanziere ich mein Startup?
- Wie du deinen StartupGeist entwickelst
Are you just interested in #startups?
- Was ist ein Startup?
- Was ist Entrepreneurship?
- Welche Phasen durchläuft ein Startup?
- Was macht Startups erfolgreich?
- Warum scheitern so viele Startups?
- Welchen gesellschaftlichen Stellenwert haben Startups?
- Berlins Entwicklung zum Internet Startup Mekka
Enjoy your reading!
PS: As always, if you have any questions, feedback or asks, please email me dh [at] danny holtschke [dot] com.